Friday, May 2, 2014

Of all the people qualified to speak on the Natural Hair in the Military debate, MSNBC chooses Taren916 aka Taren Guy to be a "spokesperson"

Really MSNBC?

There are plenty of women in the military who are qualified to speak on this subject and they choose this fame whore who neglects her kids to jet around the world to speak for natural haired black women in the military?

Some of you might construe this as hating. It is not. Black women must do better. THIS is who you have allowed to represent you and she is taking her thirst for fame to a national level.

Sitting on TV with no shame that she is pregnant by a married man and pregnant out of wedlock for a 4th time.

Black women, this is who you are allowing to become a national representative of the Natural Hair Community. It is a shame and disgrace that many black women blindly follow Taren, who knows no more about natural hair care than your average YouTuber. At current, her hair is damaged, once again, from chemical applications that she did not follow up on to maintain hair health. But at current, many of you continue to hit "Subscribe" and "follow" on her social media accounts as if she is some natural hair savior.

Black women wake up. MSNBC really got it wrong this time, but I will say Taren must have a great PR team to get on the national stage, big, damaged hair and all.

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