Thursday, February 26, 2015

Take a Dime, Lose a dollar: More proof that Taren Guy is a scammer and a thief, with no morals---straight from Taren herself

Now before you say "Ok, this is just being petty and picky." just think, if she makes no qualms about stealing $60 from a bank ATM, what makes you think she is beyond stealing $1,000, $12,000 or $80,000? Make no bones about it, it is indeed stealing because anyone with integrity would have stated they were going to notify the bank of their error and return the money. But no.... this thieving fraud calls her theft from the bank a "...great fortune" based on a dream of ladybugs and butterflies. *can't roll my eyes hard enough*

This extra money is nothing near a great fortune or blessing, considering once the bank realizes its error (and they will) they are going to deduct her account without missing a beat and she will be back on social media pouting about her haters, trolls, more nonsensical cryptic messages about setbacks and how no one can stop her aka "I'm broke and I'm too arrogant and lazy to get a job so I want others to fund my lifestyle."

Someone even asked her on Facebook "Did you give the 60 dollars back to the bank?" and this thieving broad didn't even respond, per usual. LMAO

And to think she wanted $80,000 from her subscribers to her platforms. *insert loud cackle*

Taren is a blocker of her own blessings, yet she is too arrogant to realize it. It's always everyone else. She thinks money is supposed to rain down on her, without putting in the work. She is very delusional and as long as she continues to live like the world owes her something while living unscrupulously, she will continue to see her blessings being blocked and no favor in her life.

#lawyerup #YouDeservetogotoJailTaren #ShutUpBecauseYouDontMakeSense

Check out all the gullible dummies talking about "Preach!" "You're blessed!" and the most annoying phrase they use "I needed this!" LMAO

Friday, January 23, 2015

Preemptive post to Taren's pending "Cyberbullying" video: So calling a scammer out on his/her scamming ways = cyberbullying now?

Happy New Year first off!!! 

Yay! You've made it to a brand new year which means brand new shenanigans! LOL

Now we have that out the way...

Supposedly Taren is taking the victim route this year since her scam for AreyaTV didn't go as planned. LMAO

Although she claims to be unbothered, she is now claiming to be a victim of cyberbullying because various people on the interwebs have finally spoken out against her scamming ways, including those who contributed money to her many failed projects without so much as a word as to what happened to the money they donated. Some of her failed projects include Faces of Autism, which could have been GREAT by the way, if she stuck with it long enough. She also had a t-shirt business that she quickly started and just as quickly stopped. She then thought up a Super Scam that included some ambiguous online tv network (AreyaTV) featuring new talent because she considers what's currently on TV boring. Basically, she was trying to re-invent the wheel. *rolls eyes hard*

Well, since she announced her FOURTH out of wedlock pregnancy by yet another married man almost a year ago, her life has become a shit storm of perpetual fuck shit, including the people who finally had the courage to call her out for her not wanting to be held accountable for misappropriation of donated dollars to a supposedly non-profit organization that was never registered as a non-profit and thus can be and should be considered as income. Taren lied and said she only raised $1000 but email receipts were posted that refuted that amount and show that she actually raised $12,000.00.

People were and are still upset. Why?

Because Taren took their money and did not account for how the money was allocated.

So when she came up with this AreyaTV scam, her donations ($440.00) were a mere fraction of the projected $80,000.00 she hoped to raise. Why? Because people have long memories and well, Google search works. Thanks Google.

At any rate, in hopes to garner a new cash grab, Taren is going to start a new anti-cyberbully campaign so she can stop feeling guilty about stealing people's hard earned money and not wanting to be held accountable for her theft and scams. She also wants people to stop calling her out on her lies and scams so she can keep lying and scamming.

This will be her lead in to raising money once again to the "Never gonna happen in this lifetime" AreyaTV scamming project she has "thought up", which by the way hasn't been updated since Fall 2014, because she thinks people will feel sorry for her because former donors to her "non-profit" got hip to her scams and decided to call her out.

I guess Taren thinks her website is the only thing searchable on the web and that people are just going to blindly donate money without doing their research.

Sorry Taren. Not gonna happen.

You screwed yourself when you thought your donors and subscribers were too stupid to search you. Well, some of them are stupid because they are so blinded by that dry, steel wool mop sitting on top of your head, but most have gotten hip and that's why you're coming up with this new anti-cyberbullying campaign in hope to garner sympathy so people can fund your pathetic lifestyle.

 The jig is up. Get a job chick.