Saturday, March 29, 2014

If none of the speculation is true, why hide?

Recently, due to backlash, Taren decided she was going to "take a break" from social media.

She decided she was going to make her Instagram page private on the weekends and not check her timelines on FB and Twitter as well. Supposedly to give herself a "digital detox". Now, what mother of 3 kids would have time to be all on social media with her digital devices "glued" to her fingers in the first place and successfully attend to her kids?

Right. No attentive mother you know. That's because and I reiterate, she does not have custody of them. So, she is as free as a bird to do what she wants with her free time.

So, the once open and transparent #Taren916 aka Taren Guy has decided to be more private and less attached to the same Internet that got her the notoriety that she so desperately sought several years ago. She cannot handle the fact that her so called "open book" life and choices are now being called into question and the same people who might have followed her on social media are questioning her choices due to the fact that she serves as representation at events featuring black women, including empowerment events.

She calls the people who don't praise her or leave less than positive comments "trolls". Surely she didn't think that with the fame she seeks, would come all good comments and praise, especially since she wants people to be consumers of her brand and all things associated with her brand.

Surely she didn't think people were not going to question why she is pregnant again for a 4th time and not married. Surely she didn't think that.

The bottom line is she cannot handle the criticism nor can she handle the questioning about the loss of custody of her kids. Instead of addressing it, she hides, hoping things will go away. But unfortunately for her, the questions will keep coming.

She is too arrogant to see that her brand will fade when people wake up and see that her choices are questionable. They will realize "Hey I don't want a baby mama representing me at events on a national level." She is being sponsored by companies who obviously either didn't do their research about her or she wasn't as forthcoming about her brand with them.

Either way, Taren916 aka Taren Guy is a fraud. You are just a video click and money to her. Why support someone who is neglectful of her children and would rather seek fame instead of being a mother to her children?

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